Thursday, June 16, 2011

selamat pagi ^^

assalamualaikum ..
haip sekarang sudah pukul 2:30am and im not sleeping yet..
can't sleep.. ubat tidur untuk cepat tidur adalah.. onew oppa... i wish i can have him as my lullaby :p
berangan je ye cik nysa, abang onew awak tu nun jauh beribu batu ^^ 

see abang onew pun iyakan.. :p tapi tak salah tuk berangan kan.. jangan terlebih sudah :)
ooh malam2 nie nak buat ape ye? eh silap pagi2 nie nak buat ape ye?

mungkin tutorial photoshop? haha.. i still don't have time for that..yet im not so mahir :)
but sure for my dongsaneg nura.. i will do it..^^ pagi-pagi nie layan lagu korea best jugak kan.. 
for my non kpop followers... bear with me okay,, i'm 100% kpoppers.. :) and awal2 lagi nak cakap.. 


you not even welcome here..sorry,, but i can't accept people insult kpop.. you know nothing about them okay..don't judge.. even me myself also not judging malaysian artis T.T 
i will post random thing and kpop thinggy.. lol.. yela, im kpoppers, so mmg akan banyk la pasal kpop. :)
i will try my hard for update everyday here.. mintak maaf la klu ade hari yang termiss ke ape ke.. halal jelah :)
okay.. that all..macam dah lebih membebel je nie.. :p

for my followers..saranghaeyo <3

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

annyeonghaseyo yorabun

assalamualaikum semua :)
how are you..
okay sekarang dah pkul 1:11pm aww lucky no 1 ^^
ade kelas kejap lg.. malas betul nk p, tp taknak ponteng.. :)
saya kan budak baik.. OTL.. 

nak dapat 4 flat sem nie, mstilah takblh ponteng..
haha,, sebenarnye tak tahu nk buat entry ape kat my blog nie. cadang nk buat photoshop tutorial..
ade ke org nak tgk nie? ^^
lagipun saya bukan mahir sgt nie,, setakat sikit2 edit ade la.. haha..tengok la camne kan..

klu rajin and ade byk mase terluang, insyaALLAH saya akan buat.. :)
okay,, have fun today,,enjoy your day okay.. :)
bubye..salam.. :)

imma proud shawol

my current obsession..
i hope it will last forever.. :)
but but, i'm not only shawol..
i also cassie, ELF, b2uty and kiss me..
kpoppers fighting!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

hye love!

assalamualaikum <3
how are you guys? wassup.. ^^
it's been  awhile not updating here.. idk why..
maybe because i'm spending to much time on tumblr..
so terabaikan my blog nie.. :)
nampak ape2 yang berubah tak? yes my header dah nmpk buruk..
okay nnti edit balik :) no worries.. 
because boleh dikatakan i'm 50 % now how to use photoshop!. except making idk what happen with my quicktime player.. can't paly the video even it already in .mp4 format.. grrr
sabar jelah hati.. :p
haha..oh tak sangka dah dpt 22 followers.. even jarang update and cuma update kpop je..
mesti korang korang yang follow nie suka kpop kan? ^^
if yes.. welcome to the club baby <3 
okay,, merepek je kerja :p i will update hari laen pulak ye :) bubye..
before i go.. enjoy this gif.. :) 

p/s : name dye ONEW <3 <3 keke
made by me ahaks.. adios..
salam <3